Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Hello and welcome new and old viewers to another HP of the day on Living in the Land of the Giants! Just got done updating my blog to be a bit more viewer friendly and I feel really pumped! BTW let me know what you think of the new pages I added and my new DMCA protection ( not that there is anything worth stealing but it makes me feel....." professional "). I know you guys don't visit this blog for those things ( the few people who read ) so without further ado * drum roll * lets do this salami!!!
For excited I am there is not a very big HP for today but it's all good. For this I was just trying to practice a bit of facial expression and even tried putting a face to a character and add hair to said character ( didn't go too well with that). As you can see I did ink most of them but there is one that is just sketched and it was just because I thought it looked a bit weird. Now as you can also see rather than just going for the normal face or just the smug face which I do commonly I tried to push myself a bit with the hair as I have not practiced that much and also with more expressive faces such as the horrified expression at the top left with some wrinkles for added effect. Of course as always the comment box section below is open for anyone and everyone with suggestions on how I can improve. To end this I would like to end this HP with letting you guys know that if you comment something you want me to attempt to draw then you just type it in the box below and if I can do it I will draw it for a future HP or just make an entire segment for that if that becomes popular enough. Just note that if I can't find the time to do it there might be a huge time gap of when I actually do so stay patient with me please. If you like this blog make sure to tell your friends about it and I look forward to the next post. Later ya'll!

Monday, January 30, 2017
New plans
Wow four posts in one day is a bit crazy and annoying for you guys surly but I promise this is the last post of the day and you can enjoy better quality posts in the future. So, what are my future plans for this blog that couldn't wait for tomorrow? Well, as most of you know I post a regular post with a topic of the day and sometimes a question of the day and after that post I post a horrible picture of the day for you guys to either enjoy or to hate either is in my favor as it helps to have the criticism and I do want it. However lately the post have been kinda bland and boring so what I've decided is that HP's will be posted before a regular post if there is a regular post. HP's are going to be my priority and I will do my best to post them everyday and I will unless there is just a huge problem on my side with things in my daily life but that is rare. The regular post however will be done once a week at the least an it is so that I can make sure that the content is well thought out and I can make it better quality ( unlike the Pencil post ). I hope that these new changes are for the better and I can't wait to see ya'll in the next post.
Quick update.
Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that my blog is eligible for ads now and I know I didn't plan to have ads I just thought why not so you may see them soon and if it bothers you let me know. Just a quick update I wanted to let you know so yeah.
Hello and welcome to today's HP. If you saw the title and the post I made earlier than you are probably thinking to yourself that I did not have something prepared for you today and that's where you'd be wrong because while I am not posting art today I do have some pics for you today that I have been thinking about for quite awhile. First off.
I've been working on Pencil for an animation to test all the stuff, my own practice and for all you guys who follow me on this blog as a thanks ( don't expect anything special though as it is the third 2-D animation I've done ever and it is the most complex and I have to learn the software still but yeah...) Lastly on this pic I'd like to let you know that while I thought the pencil tool did not show up in the final result I was mistaken so sorry for the confusion. For the next and last pic of the day I'd like to let you guys know how I am able to keep track of stuff on my blog like how many times people see my blog and from what country they are viewing from.
I know it's a bit hard to read but currently LLG has had almost 500 views in 3 different countries which is America, Egypt and Germany. Now, I know the # of views is small compared to other post from other people but that is still people checking the page 500 times. That's cool and all but when I made this blog and set up the schedule I was looking more for comments rather than views or followers ( but those are still appreciated) and looking at the stats I was shocked to learn
that the blog has had only 3 comments and two of them while great are not the ones I am striving for as I want advice and criticism. So, with that said thanks for even checking out this blog and reading the content but please feel free and encouraged to comment. It really means a lot to me and I really work hard to try and get the comments so just make my day and comment please? I know it discourages people to ask that but I feel like it needed to be said. Thanks and can't wait to see ya'll next post.
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today we are finally making a post for all those music loving people but sadly if you love music you probably know about the topic today that is soundcloud. For those of you who don't know what soundcloud is first off, why not? do you just not get on the internet or what? get with the program read geez ( just a little sarcasm ) and secondly soundcloud is a online audio social media site. Basically it is YouTube but just with audio.
So what do people post on this without the use of video? Well, most people from my experience post things like songs ( obviously ), speeches, and or recordings of people reading stories like creepypasta and short stories. A famous example of the last type of post is Welcome to Nightvale and I would explain it but I never listened to that series but many of my friends did so maybe you can ask them about it. >-< So, how do you use this site? well Soundcloud like I said earlier is similar to Youtube in more ways than one. For instance they both have mobile and desktop versions and they both have ways for you to follow certain creators. Now I know this post is very short and bland but making post everyday isn't easy especially when things in my day take up a lot of my energy and time which is normal and I will improve in the future but of course as I am still fairly new at this I find it a bit hard at times so yeah...Can't wait to see ya'll in the next post.

Saturday, January 28, 2017
HP's of the day!
Hello and welcome to today's HP's. To start things off I'd like to start with a drawing I've already done work on and have posted on this blog today and that is my Aragami shadow ninja drawing.
Just know that I have noted the weird grip on the sword which has a point as I wanted the sword curved and didn't know what to do to make it curve and look natural so I just did that and looking at the way other people drew it on Deviant Art has helped.
Next is a a drawing I made to symbolize the climb in my journey to be an artist as if it was a staircase.... Nahhh I just did it to practice partial backgrounds ^-^. With that today's HP post comes to a close. I hope I get to see some comments from you guys on how I can improve and I hope that you guys enjoy today's post. Till next post I'll see ya later.

Welcome to deviant art
Hello and welcome to another post in LLG, I've decided that on every saturday from now on I'll have a segment where I''l compare the best and worst HP of the week with other drawings made by creators on deviant art. I know there are a lot of good artist on it for me to learn from and then there are the bad ones to make me feel better * evil smile *. Before I start I'd like to remind people that I do not gain any money on this blog and this is criticism and research so it is fair under fair use laws and I'll make sure to put the creators name near their drawing so with out further ado lets do this. To start things off I'd like to start of with the worst so this week's worst HP is the OC from the day before yesterday.
This one right here.I was trying to make an original character with clothes in this one so that is what we are going to search up.

Thursday, January 26, 2017
HP of The Day MOFO!!!! ( MOFO stands for mother of flying ostriches btw)

Pencil Animating Software
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today we are heading back once again to the artsy side of this blog as we'll be talking about the 2-D animating software called pencil. Pencil is a open source free to use animating software that is usable for any computer and what I am currently trying to learn to use myself as its simplistic design and cheap price at nothing is very appealing to a new comer in such a medium.
https://www.pencil2d.org/ This link listed besides the image is the website where you can download the software if you are a person who is intrestead in 2-D animation. So, what makes Pencil different from the other potential animating software that I've brought up before, Blender? Well, Pencil is a 2-D animation software which means that the user draws each frame in the animation rather than building a whole 3 dimensional object and guiding its movements. Pencil in my about 2 hour experience ( as I've used it for a short time ) is expectantly slightly buggy. You may be asking why it is expected to which I would remind you that it is completely free of any cost and also tell you that it is not fully developed but is being worked on.
The software still has it together enough to where it is workable as long as you save periodically and have a slight background in things like adobe flash. The software's timeline ( shown at the bottom of each image) can contain raster images, vector, sound and even the camera for the shots you are making. Next for your tools you have your pencil which is very useful as it allows you to sketch out things or write down notes on frames and it won't be seen in the final product. Next is the paintbrush which is what I think you should use for the actual work but like I said I've had the software for awhile but only have had little time actually using it and I have not been able to get it to work. Lastly for drawing is the pen tool which should not be confused with the pen tool used in things like photoshop and illustrator as it doesn't work the same but rather like the pencil tool from illustrator for those graphic designers out there who know what i'm talking about. Honestly, with a bit of more development this software can become quite similar to flash in animating and I think you guys should try it out so you can give your feedback to the developers so they can improve it further. To end this post I want to know from you guys what is your favorite style of animating between 3-D and 2-D? I know that those are pretty vague groups as they both have their own sub styles within them and I haven't forgot about stop motion it is just I have not wrote a post about it yet so I see it as irrelevant for a QOTD at the moment but it will come up and with the glory it rightfully deserves.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Enslaved: Journey to The West
Hello and welcome to another post today. Today we are moving away from artsy stuff for the moment to focus on a topic I've gone over once maybe and it is one I do enjoy and that is the realm of video games. Today we are going to look over a fairly old but highly under appreciated game called, Enslaved: Journey to the West by a developer called Ninja Theory.
Monkey is the only character that is able to destroy these robots using his special staff that has three different attacks that amount to melee, range and stun. The other playable character of the game, Trip, is able to use her tech and abilities to do stuff like unlock doors, shut down stuff and even stun robots but is not able to fight them herself.
As it is seen here the graphics of the game are pretty good for their time and the environment of overgrown New York can and is very beautiful. All in all I think this game is really worth a shot and you should definite try it all yourself sometime. Till next post I'll see ya'll later.
As many could imply from the Title this game has many similarities to novel written by Wu Cheng'enCheng'en. The main difference between book and game however is the book takes place in ancient China the game takes place in a post apocalyptic New York. The game was first released on October 5, 2007 for the X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 in America. The game is a third person action game in which the main character is a man who is called "Monkey " who posses great physical strength and several tools he uses to travel and fight. The other playable character is a young women called " Trip" is very capable with technology.
The gameplay consists on lots of parkour similar platforming in order to reach further areas and in certain areas you'll have to fight the enemies of the game which take the form of combat ready robots.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
HP of the DAY
This is yet again another cartoon rendition of myself ( or at least attempt ) and in this one I actually decided to shade in the hair to kinda resemble my darker hair. I also tried to make a more annoyed face as it is one of the most common one I make in real life besides a nervous smile. I also attempted drawing ears but the one on the right just went crazy so that is noted. For any tips you guys have for improvements that I need just type them in the comment section below and I'll see ya'll next post!
Hello and welcome to another post in LLG and I know that most of you who go to this blog for things like music and games have been disappointed and I'm sorry. I do want to talk about those topics and I will but lately since I do have a lot of artsy friends and I myself have been trying to get better art is something I do think of daily and is super easy for me to write about very quickly which is a lifesaver when one post as much as I do. So, the topic of the day is PENCILS!!! Now, your probably wondering how can an entire post for a day be just about a writing utensil that isn't a marker or pen thus being only a third of the hand writing and drawing utensils? Well, there are first many types of pencils for various uses, pros and cons but first what are the pencils we will go over in today's post? The pencils talked about today are wooden pencils, mechanical, charcoal, color and premium color. Me as the one who can barely be called a beginner didn't know about the premium color pencils till recently and still don't see the difference between them but let's move on. First up is a regular wooden pencil.
Regular pencils are perfect for things like shading and even fine point drawing. The downside to these is that they have to be sharpened. Next mechanical pencils.
These pencils are the ones I prefer to use as all you need to do when your lead is short is to either push a button or pop a top off in order to fill the lead. Downside is that shading on it is a bit odd.
Moving on we come across the obscure ( to me at least ) charcoals pencil.
Charcoal pencils are great for sketching and shading purpose but smears very easy. Lastly, I'd like to talk about the various color pencils and this is where I think is pretty absurd.
So, for us non artist we would be ok buying a 72 pack of crazyart color pencils for $10. That's all fine and dandy but I have art friends who are willing to shell out an extra $20 dollars at a total of $40 dollars for " premium " 72 pack of color pencils. What do these " premium " color pencil have so special? More color variations ( slightly ) and they don't fade after weeks.... That's it....Well, for today's QOTD I'd like to know if you guys are the ones who'd be willing to shell out the extra $20 for 1 1/2 of a difference? As with every QOTD you can leave your answer in the comment section below and it may be featured in the next post. See ya'll next post.
Monday, January 23, 2017
HP of the Day ( self portrait)
Hello and welcome to today's HP's take notice of the " s" which means that there is more than one today as for those of you new here wouldn't know, is that every Friday and Sunday I don't post which means the following day's I post two HP's because of the extra time I have. If you don't know what an HP is, it is a " horrible picture " drawn by me that is posted daily in the hopes that with all the drawing I do and the hopeful comments of advice I beg for will help me become a better artist. Those of you that have been here before will most likely know that last HP I promised that I would use a scanner rather than my phone camera and that I would use a sketchbook rather than a notebook in the near future. Well, for my first drawing shown above it is done in my sketch book and it is scanned rather than photographed. This is a project for a class and at one point will be painted, yes painted rather than just colored even though I haven't done so yet so wish me luck and while things are still fixable by a simple eraser give me some pointers to try and improve it. I have heard a lot from friends that the head is too small so that is already noted.
The next and final drawing today was one that sadly wouldn't scan and is on my notebook. Nevertheless this is my first semi completed drawing as it has all the details except color. This is also the first drawing I've put hair on so I am expecting lots about that * nervous laugh*. Those of you who read the title would guess that this is supposed to be a sort of cartoon version of myself writing this very post with some headphones on and unbrushed messy hair. I'll be honest right now in saying that cartoon me looks way cooler than real me so yeah. Lastly, if you would notice dark outlines on the drawing you could make the inference that I got some pens which make me very happy ^-^. If you have any tips or advice based on what you see you can comment in the comment section below and till next post I'll see ya'll later.
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today we are moving away from the animation topic that has been on recent post but still in the art category. If you have read the title, then you would know that the topic of the day is webcomics! As always the first question this blog likes to answer for any topic ( no matter how small ) is what the topic is. So, webcomics are comics that are on the web. So, where would one post such a comic? There are numerous ways to post a comic series. The first and easiest way is to post it on social media.
Sites like Deviant Art are made mainly to showcase one's art. Sites like these can double for posting webcomics. Sadly I don't know much else about the site but I am 50% sure that it is made to where you can't get paid for comics which is true for other sites similar like tumblr. Now, another way to set up a web comic is through a blog such as the very one you are reading. This is possible and very manageable but despite that I have not made a comic as I am just not at the skill level needed to make multiple characters, background and movements in my art yet but do know that in the future this may happen. Sadly like Deviant art you can't get paid by yourself but you can set up an ad system in order to get money very similar to youtube ( please note that there are no ads on this blog as I haven't set up the ad system and will not be doing so). Now, for the final place that is a good place for a webcomic is a site/app that I have mentioned on this blog before and that is the site tapastic.
Tapastic is a site where you can not only post stories you write but also the stories you draw as a webcomic. The site can be viewed online on desktop or on the mobile app. This is the site I know the most about as I never really visit the others sites as often and tapastic makes it very easy to find things I do enjoy ^-^. Now, sadly I do not know the specific way people get paid I do know that there are three ways that are huge possibilities. The first is the most obvious which is the premium comics on the site which require you to buy coins with real currency and use said coins to buy keys to unlock comics, I am not a hundred percent sure how this works though. Next up is the ads on the site and app which are said to explicitly there to help the site and the creators which when you make comics for mostly free is pretty nice on both sides. Lastly is the brand new experimental tipping system. With this, even if a comic is free to read on the site you can use the coins used to buy keys to also " tip " creators you feel deserve the little boost. Now, lets say you don't want to deal with that site and stick to your Deviant Art and or tumblr but still want a little pocket money for things you may want or need.
Well then, why don't you consider making a Patreon account? Patreon is a site where creators, like yourself, can still make content of any sorts where ever you choose. So, how does this work to get money? Well, if you have fans willing to support you, they can give you money in appreciation through your Patreon page and you can even set up special gifts or perks based on your content to give to these " Patrons ". There are many options for creators out there but there is a catch as always. You can always post things for fun or even the learning experience but if you want to be able to support yourself on said creations you have to work hard, practice and study a lot. Even after you perfect your skills to make content you have to be able to then make content that you feel proud of and that others will like in order for them to support your work. As I've probably said on this blog before my dream is to become a game designer/animator/most things in media today. Through a lot of practice and work I've learned coding, 3-D modeling and animating, I've learned at least the basics of adobe software like photoshop, illustrator, and premiere, and through lots of practice and hard work I am currently trying my very best to be able to learn how to develop a story, plot, characters and their environments and to be able to translate all of those things on a piece of paper or on a virtual paper. So, to ends today's post as I do with most I'm going to ask a question that I'll never get a response for but it does help my mind to try and think of the topic so I'd like to know, " are any of you guys out there planning to start a series of any type ( you don't have to say about what I just am curious if you guys are interested on the topic) and if yes, what are some steps you are taking and for the ones who are currently doing so, what steps did you take?" As always you can type your answers on the comment section below and if you do comment I will post it up and talk about your answer on the next day's post. See ya'll next post and maybe this will be the QOTD with a lot of comments. * laughing unsure *
Saturday, January 21, 2017
HP of the Day!!!
Hello and welcome to today's HP's as with every Saturday and Monday I post two instead of one! ^-^. This first one is my practice with expression and as you can probably tell, the top one was without reference and the bottom one was with reference ( I know you can't see the mouth, sorry >-<)
This last one is the same practice/experimentation with expressions and faces. None of these were drawn with reference and for the two with the solid eyes I was trying to do more of an old time cartoon style of art while with the middle one I just tried having three circles cause I thought maybe it'd work but honestly it kind of creeps me out >-<. Lastly I tried using my finger to make a smudge kind of blush and I think it looks pretty good but that's up to you to decide and on the top you can see slightly my experimentation with a kind of line blush. So, remember that I post these in hopes that you guys on the internet will comment to try and help me out with some pointers and tips on how to improve. Lastly from now on I am going to try and use a scanner instead of my phone camera to post my pics as sometimes the camera leaves details out and I will be soon using a proper sketch book rather than a notebook but that'll be maybe ten posts from now.
3-D Animation
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today we are going to talk about 3-D animation. Specifically, what it is, how it is used and what are my experiences with it as I have worked on it myself in the past. Sadly all pictures shown are not my work as I have done very little quite a time ago and anything I have done has been lost and the reason I don't have any new stuff like in the past year is because I have been busy practicing and working on other things ( like hand drawing and digital art as of lately ) but sometime in the future since I do have a Blender ( 3-d modeling and animating software ) on my laptop.
So, what is 3-D modeling and animating? Well, 3-D modeling is simply where you create a 3 dimensional virtual object using special software. This models can be anything as simple as a knife to something as complex as an entire city! This has various uses as they can be used for things such as movies ( the entire movie or even a CGI edit ) games or even non entertainment stuff such as architecture and various fields of science.
3-D modeling given the right tools, great tutorials and hard work can be very fun and not too difficult for simple stuff. I've found that it so simple that even a middle schooler ( when I first got into 3-D animation and made a rocket ) can do it. Was my model like the movie toy story? not even close but it was really fun and when your the only middle schooler in the class with a fully animated and rendered ( rendering is a common term to use in 3-D modeling that is basically just loading textures, color and animations to a usable file type) you feel really cool :3. Now that would be the last big project I would do in Blender until I got to a game design class where I had to make 3-D models that could be placed in games which was even better as I learned not only how to animate and model but also call up said models and animations for a programed game. In the end I really think any young person with a computer ( hopefully a newer one as my last laptop couldn't handle the software and burnt itself >-<) to give it try. To end this post with the QOTD I want to know, " Are you guys considering trying out 3-D modeling?" You can leave your answer in the comment section below and till next post.
Friday, January 20, 2017
No Major post today
Hey there guys! Just wanted to let ya'll know that there won't be any major post today or HP as Fridays and Sundays are my break days but just know that that only means a better planned blog post and two HP's tomorrow. ^-^ can't wait!
Thursday, January 19, 2017
HP of the day
Hello and welcome to today's HP. Sorry as once again I am rushed so it is not completed ( spent like a minute on studying shirt shadows which is not adequate time for such a thing ) but little side note before I end saying that I am not looking for help yet on this one ( or I just did already ), I've said I am going for a more cartoon style and these shadows the commenter talked about I have yet to see in cartoon but before you guys stop sending me comments on realistic style stuff I want you to know that I am still looking for realistic style comments as it expands my knowledge on art in general and helps me notice things I never had ( like I had no idea shadows on shirts was important but what do you know they are.) so I still want those comments... or any because I have no new comments :,( but see ya'll next post! ( over time limit )
Cartoon Style
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, now I know post have been happening a little later than usual and aren't that great ( compared to most of my post cause this blog in general sucks ) but don't worry it's not just me being lazy but I've been overwhelmed lately with work so once things start clearing up expect some nice post and at earlier times. Enough of that though lets get into a topic that I'm excited for and may do multiple posts on since there are so many styles to go over but today we'll cover them as a whole. So, what defines the cartoon style of art?
Cartoon art can be anything that doesn't go very far to achieve photorealism like last post. If you've seen the HP's on this blog you'll notice ( maybe) that the style I am trying to achieve ( it's not noticeable though since I suck ). The downsides to cartoon style is that you can't make things look so realistic and that is just about it. Other than that this style has lots of up sides such as having no trouble adding unrealistic creatures as they seem more natural in their surroundings, you can make very colorful scenes and shots like the one above. Finally the last major upside to come to mind right away is that many mistakes that would make realistic art fail is that slight mistakes don't make characters fall into an uneasy area known as the uncanny valley as the characters aren't human enough to make someone uneasy.
The picture above is an ok example but given my short time I couldn't get a better example but for know it'll do. Looking at both pictures we see both characters are human children ( even if one is an alien hybrid but that's besides the point ) but while the one at the top has a nonexistent expression it looks fine while the second one is making a normal expression and while the animators did a fantastic job ( love both animations :3) there is a slight feeling ( at least to me ) that something is off and that is because the character is more human than the other but not human enough for us leading to the uncanny valley. Long story short, cartoon's don't need to worry so much on this. Out of time for this post so no QOTD and see ya guys next post.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
HP of the Day
Hello and welcome to today's HP of the day! I know the picture is absolute poop but I am on a tight schedule at the moment and thus I could not prepare anything in advance very well therefore I just used a section of my notebook that is used for texture practice but you can't see stuff well and its something I am planing on experimenting on my own so there is no need for critic unless you see something but if not that's ok. If you want something to critic I suggest looking at some of the other post's with the Horrible_Picture_of_the_Day label to look at older post. See ya next post.
New Follower System and Photo Realistic Art
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today I'd like to talk about two main topics and that is the follower system that I added this morning ( didn't have it set up before because I didn't know it needed to be >-<) and an art style that I don't think I'll use too much but I will experiment with and find very interesting which is photo realistic art. With that said lets get just right into today's post. Starting off is the follower system which is a system that basically is where you hit a button titled follow which gives you notifications to when I post if you have a blogger account or possible even if you don't ( not too sure yet and my research on it hasn't helped me determine fully >-<) but following me and leaving comments lets me know if you guys are enjoying this blog which I do hope you guys are and if not please comment on how I can improve.
Above is a picture of the follower button. Now that that is out of the way lets move onto the other topic of the day which is photorealism art. For those of you who don't know know what photorealism is, it is where someone draws something that is close to real life looks.
Above is a picture of the follower button. Now that that is out of the way lets move onto the other topic of the day which is photorealism art. For those of you who don't know know what photorealism is, it is where someone draws something that is close to real life looks.
The image above is a perfect example ( made on Blender and not by me obviously >-<). Anyways, photo realistic art is really great for stuff such as FPS's and just art in general but myself I would prefer a more cartoon style. To end this post I'm gonna ask the QOTD which is " which do you guys prefer? Photo realistic or cartoon? " let me know in the comment section and I'll see ya'll next post.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
HP of the day
This drawing is a little violent but I was trying to work on anatomy of a person bending down and also holding a weapon. Please give some advice.
Me and Art
Hello and welcome today to another post of LLG, today since I may have forgot to have been thinking of a topic of today >-< I decided to talk a bit on why I want to get better at drawing and no it's not as simple as just me being a bad artist which is true at the moment but it's a little more than that. First off as sort of apparent with the HP awhile back I like many people get stressed out quite a bit and the method I usually use to calm down ( Punching the heck out of a punching bag ) is not always available and it scares people sometimes 0_0 ( which is understandable for people who see a person going full demon on an object meant to be human like ) so drawing is a nice way to calm down a bit while creating something rather than destroying ( and a notebook is more available than a full size punching bag). Next is that I have many friends who are great artist and looking at their work just inspires me and I wish that someday I'd be able to inspire someone else in such a way. moving onto the more competitive side of things I can be a stubborn person and when I see a skill I will try and learn it just because it presents a challenge and this was very apparent with me and martial arts which is a very exciting adventure for me ^-^. Lastly, since I was little I'd always hear stories of great heroics and started making little stories of my own character's flawless heroics. Later on in my life when I learned that heroes were human too and that just like me had their own flaws and personalities it just inspired me to make more stories of these flawed heroes and of course I also enjoyed a little story driven horror to be part of these stories or even on their own ( hint hint to a future project that I am starting to work on ^_o ). These stories I'd always share vocally to my sister and she enjoyed them. Even later on I started experimenting on a 3-D modeling and animating software known as Blender which was my first work in animation which I sadly lost when my 15 year old laptop literally burnt itself ( BTW the animation was a simple door opening on a spaceship but it looked really choppy now that I think about it and it wasn't even rendered properly ). Slowly I started to move my focus from a engineering career to an animating/gaming ( I love games and making them with javascript ^-^). That leads to today where I want to share my stories to the world, I know books are a thing but I've never been talented at writing ( or drawing but it has appealed to me more ) and I've always enjoyed comics, animations and video games and I hope with some help from you guys I will be able to achieve such a dream of mine ^-^. Kinda the reason I post almost everyday and when I don't I try and make up in practice. With that said I'd love to announce that as of today I received just what I have been hoping for and working so hard on this blog for and that is some pointers and advice from YOU GUYS! Sadly whoever posted this has not listed their name as I truly want to thank them.
I'd like to thank the writer of the comment by letting you know that I did looking up examples to try and learn how to try and improve with shading on clothes and I deeply apologies for not being able to enlarge the image of the comment but that is as big as it gets >-<. Just to let you guys know that these are comments I am looking for, the ones who look at my mistakes and lists on how I should improve. Unknown user ( what the blog thing calls you since you didn't list a username) thank you and I hope that I can see another comment from you in the future. To end this post I'd like to end it with a QOTD and if you don't know what that is, it is just a question I ask about the topic that I talk about in the post and you just comment your answer or response in the comment section below. So for today's QOTD I want to know what is your favorite way to get rid or use stress from life? I can't wait to see your comments and just note that any comments you post I will feature in the next post so if you are like the person above that doesn't want to be known you can just comment as unknown user that is fine but I have no idea how to do that so you may have to search that up. With that it brings the end to this post and can't wait to see ya'll in the next one ^-^.
I'd like to thank the writer of the comment by letting you know that I did looking up examples to try and learn how to try and improve with shading on clothes and I deeply apologies for not being able to enlarge the image of the comment but that is as big as it gets >-<. Just to let you guys know that these are comments I am looking for, the ones who look at my mistakes and lists on how I should improve. Unknown user ( what the blog thing calls you since you didn't list a username) thank you and I hope that I can see another comment from you in the future. To end this post I'd like to end it with a QOTD and if you don't know what that is, it is just a question I ask about the topic that I talk about in the post and you just comment your answer or response in the comment section below. So for today's QOTD I want to know what is your favorite way to get rid or use stress from life? I can't wait to see your comments and just note that any comments you post I will feature in the next post so if you are like the person above that doesn't want to be known you can just comment as unknown user that is fine but I have no idea how to do that so you may have to search that up. With that it brings the end to this post and can't wait to see ya'll in the next one ^-^.
Monday, January 16, 2017
HP of the day 1
Hey and welcome to today's HP of today and I'm just working on different styles of walking cycles and cartoon anatomy. I think I'm close to working in a actual sketch book ^-^
Nintendo Switch
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and today I'd like to talk about another topic for gaming by talking about the Nintendo Switch and my thoughts on it. I'm sure to many of you probably know about all the stuff that I'm going to talk about today but I'd like to talk about it from my perspective. With that said I'd like to start on the console it self. The console largely consist of a WiiU looking tablet.
The " Switch Tablet" comes with two attachable controls on the side on the picture shown above. Also, the console has the ability to connect to a T.V. while also having a portable mode shown again above. This is an amazing feature that I think is very useful feature for games that are normally not portable such as the highly hyped Skyrim. Next, the Switch will feature a paid online service much like the Microsoft's X-Box.
The last thing I'd like to talk about is the 3 most hyped up games for this console from my point of view. The game series Legend of Zelda is a timeless series and many fans have been looking forward to the next installment of the series known as " Breath of the Wild ". This game has been shown quite a lot and it is going to be one of the very first games released on this console.
Beautiful graphics, solid controls and much more are seen in most demos shown so far and with a few years of development this is definitely a great game to look forward to. Next up is a much needed restart of a once wonderful series known as Sonic.
Sonic Mania is a promising game from a game company that has been struggling much as of lately due to many flops of games such as Sonic Lost Worlds and Sonic Boom but, Sonic Mania promises to be the much needed restart of the series by going back to the roots of the game series while adding some new features! While I have big hopes for the game Sega has had some problems with promising games in the past so I'd like to approach with caution. Other than that I look forward to seeing a game to match or surpass great sonic games of past like Sonic Colors or Sonic and the Black Knight. The last game on this list is the one I feel I'd most enjoy it's finished product which is Super Mario Odyssey.
Is it goofy that Mario's hat is alive? yeah. Is it odd and inconsistent that the humans in the game have normal proportions compared to Mario? yeah. Does it make the game bad? No. While we can't say for sure how good this game will be just from the little info we have but we can tell that Nintendo is taking their gloves off for this title as it just looks so gorgeous and is very creative and playful with its self. Anyways those are the main titles that I am looking forward to for the Nintendo Switch and for today's QOTD I'd like to know ya'lls thoughts and what game you guys are looking forward to in the " Switch". See ya next post ^-^
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