About me.
Hey blog reader. I see that you skipped over the content of the blog in order to get to know a complete stranger from the internet by clicking on the about me page. I bet that if you read the blog post you'd know a lot about me so bye I guess....you still there? You still don't want to check the blog post and just read this? Fine! have it your way. I guess I'll just have to finish this page with a bio. So who is " ME", well I am the writer of the blog and if you see any of the HP's I'm the ones who makes those. Yeah, some " quality " content there ( not really). So now that you know just how many people are involved in this blog ( one person ) who is this person and what are they like? Well, as the writer who is writing their own bio keep in mind that I'm going to be as honest as possible but we all know how sometimes we see ourselves differently than other people see us so yeah. Well to start with my name is Marcos, I live in the country as most of my viewers of America. So how old am I? I'm young enough to be energetic and childish but old enough to work and be serious at times. What's that? you want a year specific age? too bad. So, what is it I do for fun? Well I do love exercise but the only two sports I like are martial arts and parkour ( the running on walls and climbing. Not the flips and tricks) and while I used to practice for competitions that is not what I do at the moment but I do train for fun. I also ( if you couldn't tell by my game post ) love video games as a good past time but as of lately I've had trouble finding time to play as sometimes I don't even have time to post and at the moment studies take priority while blogging is second and everything else is below ( besides art as it is important for this blog ) so yeah. I also enjoy playing music and making art and while I'm ok in music art is the main thing I practice as I really am not ok with my skill in it at the moment which is one of the reasons that I do the HP of the day. To end the bio I'd like to talk about my dreams and things I work for the future. As a job I would love to be either game designer, cartoon animator, music composer, character artist and or graphic designer. Currently I am working hard on all those which sounds hard which it is but luckily for me they do crossover each other quite a bit so it isn't impossible. So, that was my little about me page I hope you enjoy this blog ( Living in the Land of the Giants ) and hope I can get some comments from you guys in the future.
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