What are the Post about?

Having a bit of trouble understanding the lingo used in this blog or just don't know how to tell if your favorite segment is the one you're reading?  Fret not as this is what this page is for. This page lists the type of things I post and what they are called.

  1. First is the one posted most here which are the HP's or the Horrible picture of the day. This is post that is done Monday-Thursday. It is a simple post with 1 or two pictures with an explanation. These pictures are usually drawings but at times can be other things but for drawings the concept is simple. I post a pic that I drew and I ask YOU the reader to tell me what it is I could improve on based on what you see. If you see a picture that is not not hand drawn just read the text above and below it to get an understanding on why it is there.
  2. Next is the Welcome to Deviant Art post's. These are done only on Saturday and are fairly simple. I get the best HP of the week and the worst and go on Deviant Art to see how do other creators do things I try to draw. Of course any pictures shown will have their creators name listed and I am using it under fair use of research and criticism.
  3. Last but not least I will post a lengthy post about a topic I find you guys may find interesting and talk about it. These don't have a formal title and happen anywhere in the week at least once so they are very random. 
With that I have covered all the post that will be on this blog and I hope that it helps you guys understand how things here are done. Keep in mind that this is made by one and only one person who has a lot of stuff going on in their normal life so if I can't post for a day or longer I will let you know and try my very best to get back to you guys as quickly as possible.  

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