Privacy Policy

Hello and welcome to the privacy policy page. This may sound a bit weird for a blog and maybe a bit informal as I've never had to make one before so I'll just list things I think may have to be said regarding privacy.

  1. As you know I always leave a comment box open for you guys to talk to me, ask questions and so on but do note that any questions asking things like how old I am or where I live, personally stuff, I am not going to answer.
  2. Should you want to tell or ask me something but just can't do it on the comment box as you do not want to have your identity revealed just head over to the contact me page on this blog and there should be a way for you to say something to me and I will most likely respond.
  3. If you don't know I like to feature comments that you guys post on my blog so if you post a comment you may get featured. If you do not want to get featured and just want to let me know something just send it through and of the contact me page things.
  4. Do not for any reason post personal info of anyone on this blog as it is never a good idea. 
Well that is it. If you have any questions just comment below or contact me.

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