Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today I'd like to talk about two main topics and that is the follower system that I added this morning ( didn't have it set up before because I didn't know it needed to be >-<) and an art style that I don't think I'll use too much but I will experiment with and find very interesting which is photo realistic art. With that said lets get just right into today's post. Starting off is the follower system which is a system that basically is where you hit a button titled follow which gives you notifications to when I post if you have a blogger account or possible even if you don't ( not too sure yet and my research on it hasn't helped me determine fully >-<) but following me and leaving comments lets me know if you guys are enjoying this blog which I do hope you guys are and if not please comment on how I can improve.

Above is a picture of the follower button. Now that that is out of the way lets move onto the other topic of the day which is photorealism art. For those of you who don't know know what photorealism is, it is where someone draws something that is close to real life looks.
The image above is a perfect example ( made on Blender and not by me obviously >-<). Anyways, photo realistic art is really great for stuff such as FPS's and just art in general but myself I would prefer a more cartoon style. To end this post I'm gonna ask the QOTD which is " which do you guys prefer? Photo realistic or cartoon? " let me know in the comment section and I'll see ya'll next post.
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