Saturday, January 7, 2017

Comments, organization and questions

Hello and welcome again to LLG and as the title suggests this is yet again another post focused on this blog's interface but just like the other one it will have some fun, real blog content and there will be another picture and I will be asking for advice ( I know the last pic didn't ask a specific question but please note that for now on they will but this does not mean that you can not comment other tips and pointers.). So, first off I have heard from a friend who reads the blog ( cause it is again mostly friends reading this ) that they are having trouble commenting and this is what I found out.
 If you click the circled text it should send you to a text box as such.
You should be able to then write your comment. Now, if anyone knows if there is a way to make multiple tabs for organizing a blog to topics and could send a comment in this post about that then that would be great ^-^. Now for the fun part of this post, I am going to try and have a daily question for each post for you guys to comment and your comment just might get featured in this blog if you comment so make sure to try and do that ^_-. So for todays question I'll be following last posts topic which is what is ya'll's favorite animated movie. Hope to hear from you guys soon and can't wait to post tomorrow. ^-^

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