Obviously not a high grade sketchbook ( I do own one ) but that's how it'll be for quite awhile. Next is the most important tool I use and that is my pencil.
This is the brand and model of pencil I use ( Pen-Mate mechanical pencil ) and the lead size various on what exactly I am trying to do. Next is my digital pencil/paintbrush/pen/air brush and etc. My one and only Jot Pro Stylus!
Next is the software I use is a pretty noice :3 one if I could get on my laptop but I still have the phone version which is where art like this comes from.

This is Auto-desk's Sketchbook application and it is an absolute great alternative for Photoshop but do bear in mind that while there is a free version it is the paid phone version that I am currently using. Next, I do use Photoshop but for certain reasons I do not wish to disclose I am limited to when and where I can use it and I've done stuff like so on this.
Another Adobe software I use ( under the same limitations as Photoshop ) is Illustrator for things like below.
Leaving Adobe I use Blender ( A free 3-D Resource!!!) that is great to use. Sadly most of the work I've done on it has been lost so until I do some more work on it there will be no showcases on it ;^;. Lastly as I am learning coding ( Code Academy is a great place to learn ) I am experimenting on a program known as Unity and gosh boy is it fun! ^-^ Sadly there is no showcases for that as well at the moment but hopefully in the future there will be. Now to end this post what are some software and equipment I'd want and may get in the future? For equipment I'd love a drawing tablet ^-^, inking pens and that sums that up pretty much. For software though * deep breath * that's a long story so I'm going to break it up in chunks. For art, definitely computer version of Sketchbook, Photoshop and Illustrator. For music, Vocaliods would be so fun and I wish I could get Garage Band but I have a mac so if you guys know of something like that for mac, Help a friend out here then PLEASE >-<. Finally for animation I do know how to animate on things like Photoshop, Sketchbook and FlipNote ( realizing that I forgot to list the best animating tool that is FlipNote >-<) so I'm good on that. With that said this brings the conclusion to that very drawn out post that is only gonna be seen by maybe five friends who I hound about this stuff but someday... someday I will get comments and or followers and I will have a point for these long post 0_0 but for now I just do what I want on this blog to try and improve myself just a little more everyday. This blog provides a great challenge everyday to try and draw everyday ( even if they are bad) and to try and think of topics ( even if they are bad ) and I do quite enjoy it and I hope you guys do to. ^-^ sorry about the long post and hope to see your comments on the QOTD which is, " which of the listed equip, or software do you like most?" With that, see ya'll guys in tomorrows post!
I'm gonna try to get you some pens if I can! Lol