Monday, January 23, 2017

HP of the Day ( self portrait)

Hello and welcome to today's HP's take notice of the " s" which means that there is more than one today as for those of you new here wouldn't know, is that every Friday and Sunday I don't post which means the following day's I post two HP's because of the extra time I have. If you don't know what an HP is, it is a " horrible picture " drawn by me that is posted daily in the hopes that with all the drawing I do and the hopeful comments of advice I beg for will help me become a better artist. Those of you that have been here before will most likely know that last HP I promised that I would use a scanner rather than my phone camera and that I would use a sketchbook rather than a notebook in the near future. Well, for my first drawing shown above it is done in my sketch book and it is scanned rather than photographed. This is a project for a class and at one point will be painted, yes painted rather than just colored even though I haven't done so yet so wish me luck and while things are still fixable by a simple eraser give me some pointers to try and improve it. I have heard a lot from friends that the head is too small so that is already noted.
The next and final drawing today was one that sadly wouldn't scan and is on my notebook. Nevertheless this is my first semi completed drawing as it has all the details except color. This is also the first drawing I've put hair on so I am expecting lots about that * nervous laugh*. Those of you who read the title would guess that this is supposed to be a sort of cartoon version of myself writing this very post with some headphones on and unbrushed messy hair. I'll be honest right now in saying that cartoon me looks way cooler than real me so yeah. Lastly, if you would notice dark outlines on the drawing you could make the inference that I got some pens which make me very happy ^-^. If you have any tips or advice based on what you see you can comment in the comment section below and till next post I'll see ya'll later.   

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