Cartoon art can be anything that doesn't go very far to achieve photorealism like last post. If you've seen the HP's on this blog you'll notice ( maybe) that the style I am trying to achieve ( it's not noticeable though since I suck ). The downsides to cartoon style is that you can't make things look so realistic and that is just about it. Other than that this style has lots of up sides such as having no trouble adding unrealistic creatures as they seem more natural in their surroundings, you can make very colorful scenes and shots like the one above. Finally the last major upside to come to mind right away is that many mistakes that would make realistic art fail is that slight mistakes don't make characters fall into an uneasy area known as the uncanny valley as the characters aren't human enough to make someone uneasy.
The picture above is an ok example but given my short time I couldn't get a better example but for know it'll do. Looking at both pictures we see both characters are human children ( even if one is an alien hybrid but that's besides the point ) but while the one at the top has a nonexistent expression it looks fine while the second one is making a normal expression and while the animators did a fantastic job ( love both animations :3) there is a slight feeling ( at least to me ) that something is off and that is because the character is more human than the other but not human enough for us leading to the uncanny valley. Long story short, cartoon's don't need to worry so much on this. Out of time for this post so no QOTD and see ya guys next post.
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