Thursday, January 19, 2017

HP of the day

Hello and welcome to today's HP. Sorry as once again I am rushed so it is not completed ( spent like a minute on studying shirt shadows which is not adequate time for such a thing ) but little side note before I end saying that I am not looking for help yet on this one ( or I just did already ), I've said I am going for a more cartoon style and these shadows the commenter talked about I have yet to see in cartoon but before you guys stop sending me comments on realistic style stuff I want you to know that I am still looking for realistic style comments as it expands my knowledge on art in general and helps me notice things I never had ( like I had no idea shadows on shirts was important but what do you know they are.) so I still want those comments... or any because I have no new comments :,( but see ya'll next post! ( over time limit )  

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