Monday, January 30, 2017

New plans

Wow four posts in one day is a bit crazy and annoying for you guys surly but I promise this is the last post of the day and you can enjoy better quality posts in the future. So, what are my future plans for this blog that couldn't wait for tomorrow? Well, as most of you know I post a regular post with a topic of the day and sometimes a question of the day and after that post I post a horrible picture of the day for you guys to either enjoy or to hate either is in my favor as it helps to have the criticism and I do want it. However lately the post have been kinda bland and boring so what I've decided is that HP's will be posted before a regular post if there is a regular post. HP's are going to be my priority and I will do my best to post them everyday and I will unless there is just a huge problem on my side with things in my daily life but that is rare. The regular post however will be done once a week at the least an it is so that I can make sure that the content is well thought out and I can make it better quality ( unlike the Pencil post ). I hope that these new changes are for the better and I can't wait to see ya'll in the next post.

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