Monday, February 13, 2017

Double HP of Monday's!!!

Hello and welcome to another double HP of the day! If you don't know why there are two HP's rather than one it is because due to the schedule I have a good four days to make HP's for you. Why isn't four instead of two? cause I'm lazy that's why. SO LETS GET STARTED!
 For this first one I wanted to show off that I finally got my hands on a at home version of photoshop cs6 and I am loving it! Right now I'm working on coloring and refining this piece but I worked quickly to finish the basic outline and coloring to show you guys it.
This next one is another not completely finished but it is just a little something I started in order to practice my anatomy skills of a person in a normal pose. With that that concludes today's HP. I know it was a short one and I am sorry. I'll try and get more quality post out soon and with my skills improving and with better equipment and software I may be able to start a series in like two months and I look forward to it! Till next post I'll see ya'll later.

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