Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and today is the day when I make my WDA post. This is a post where I will compare art from more established artist to my own drawings. With that lets get started! First as if almost by tradition we'll start of with the worst HP of the week.

This HP from Monday I believe isn't even finished and awkward. It was just a quick and lazy practice at anatomy with people in real life poses.

This is a picture by
by ilolamai quite similar in position to the one I did myself. Now on terms of style or just about everything else it is very different. Honestly I think that with a bit more effort and time I could have done better for that drawing but as I said it was just a simple practice. Moving on to the next pic which is the best HP of the week is one that I am very proud of.

This drawing is a character design I am doing for a project and is based on old time cartoons with his glove hands, simple eyes and more laxed on anatomy. I know it has its flaws and while I did put much more effort into this piece it isn't full effort as I did get lazy with some of the strips and the hands ( especially with the left one).

This picture by
by SuperLakitu is a very good drawing to use to help me learn what to do to improve
with the most obvious being that the left hand is facing the appropriate way and the less
obvious being that SuperLakitu made the character more round instead of rigid. With that
that concludes today's post. I hope you enjoyed it and can't wait to see ya'll next post.
Good job it was almost good (jk it's good)