Wednesday, February 22, 2017

HP of the day and future comic series?!

Hello guys and welcome to another post of LLG! Today if the tittle was not clear I have an announcement to make. But before that I'd like to start with the HP so expect more details right after and sort of during the HP.
For this HP I'm practicing a bit with photoshop and as you can see it is pretty much crap at the moment as I have not used photoshop and the mouse very often as I've been using Illustrator and the pen tool so my hand is shakier than usual which is saying something.... The anatomy, lines, depth and etc. is ehhhhhhhhhh...... anyways, I was going into today's blog and working on the HP thinking, " Wow, today's blog post is gonna be really cool, " but....we all know how that went. Anyways, hopefully by the end of March or sooner I'll start posting a comic series that I have gotten most of the ideas together but some are still under thought and of course there's the obvious that my art is ok at best at the moment but by another month or less it should be ok on a regular bases. Anyways...end of the post...see ya'll next post...hope its better tomorrow >-<. 

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