Monday, February 20, 2017

Multi Monday HP

Hello and welcome to another post in LLG. For those who are new to this blog and don't know what is going on in this post it is quite simple. Every day except Friday, Saturday and Sunday I post pictures of things I draw and I ask you as the viewer to comment to how I can improve cause I do want to become a better artist and I have been doing this since the beginning of this year and while there have been exactly 1 comment that has given me advice on how to improve I have improved just by practicing everyday and while I still suck I am less sucky then I have ever been! ^-^ That being said I forgot to mention that on Monday's I post two HP's to make up for none over the weekend. Without further ado let's get right into the thick of things!
This first pic is my progress with a project I've started and if you don't remember ( or just weren't there ) I've already shown the sketched version of this pic as I did do that first in order to work out the basic line work and details without color or refinement. Now, for this pic I am using the software Adobe Illustrator as I want it to be a vector graphic piece as it will be part of a design I am working on. If your new it'll also be worth noting that any digital art work is done on a adobe software like Illustrator or Photoshop but sometimes I use Auto Desk Sketchbook.  
This next pic is a little experiment I did on " dot shading " ( name I came up with as I don't know the real term) and in my eyes is kinda a fail >-<. For this piece I sketched out the lines where the shadows and dunes would be. I then proceeded to try and use dotting the darker areas more heavily while lightly dotting the lighter areas.  Lastly unlike most of my drawings I used only pencil and did not ink it. With that today's multi HP comes to a close. I do hope you enjoyed it and that you may give me some advice for improvement. I'll see ya'll in tomorrow's post so later!

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