Wednesday, March 29, 2017
HP of the day Progress
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. Today's HP is the same as the last few days as I have been working really hard on this one and only other part of this project, good news however as this is the last day where I am going to show this HP alone as I have finished enough to go on to the next pic.
This is the completed drawing and while I have animated it a bit I will only show the animation when the whole project is finished. Last this I would like to say is that I am doing this project in photoshop so while the shading is great and some of the textures look really nice it isn't because of my sketching ability but one day it may be ^-^. That's all for today so till next post I'll see ya'll later!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
HP of the Day more meme's
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and today we are doing another similar HP to yesterday. Why? cause with me being very busy it is the only thing I have some time to work on for awhile so if I want content that's where I'm going to get it >-<. That being said it isn't too bad as this project is multiple drawing and animations so it's pretty big and I think you guys should enjoy it a bit despite the repetitiveness.
As you can see I've progressed a bit since yesterday but I still need to finish and tweak the animation but for the time I've spent I've gotten pretty far so far. I know that it is a bit blurry but once finished it shouldn't be so. I know it's a short HP today but that'll just have to do for today. Until next post I'll see ya'll later!
Monday, March 27, 2017
Double HP of the Day!!! GDI meme
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, post are getting less frequent as of late and I'm sorry for such but today I thought I wasn't going to have time or content to post for today but life had other plans and such was possible. So with that being cleared up let us begin!
Fair warning to the fact that both drawing today are the same but on different platforms as this sketch I did was yet again just a quick guide I cooked up in order to aid a project I have been given. The following is a simple non detailed drawing of a person in a dark room on a computer copying the works of others. Due to limits on time and me wanting to do a quality final product I raced to draw this with little to no detail only focusing on the anatomy which I had superb difficulty on the right side odd enough and jotting the basic ideas for the digital version at the top.
This second pic is one of a work in progress for the project given to me where I must make original animations for all of the boxes. Those of you who think the top left picture is a bit bland are correct to think so as it is incomplete as I still need to add some color, lighting effects and the animating still needs to be done. So that about rounds ups today's HP's I hope you enjoyed them and till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Sunday, March 26, 2017
Welcome to Deviant Art 7

Hello and welcome to another Welcome to Deviant Art episode! I know it's been hectic on the post and due to many complications that have concurred this week you can expect lots more weeks like this one and I am truly sorry but I will try my best to continue work. That being said lets get onto the post! For the first HP that will be studied today is the spring scene. Now I won't be so hard as usual on this one as it was just used a guideline for a digital project I had and the reason I will not show the digital is cause the deadline was sooner than expected so I had to finish quickly and with very low quality but if and most likely when I do a better job on it with more time I might show it. Now let's start!

Horrible_Picture_ of_the_Day,
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Late post
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. Last week I didn't do any Welcome to Deviant Art episodes, this week I didn't do a lot of HP's and today there has been and won't be any Welcome to Deviant Art episodes. Last week was due to me taking a break but this week I have been very busy ( making a music video for Adobe's 25 anniversary with Imagine Dragons and lots of other stuff like hard studying and preparing for next steps of my educational career) so while I won't post that today I will do it tomorrow. That's really all for today so see ya'll tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Traveler's HP of the Day
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, and yes, I want to continue the 30 day challenge but I am taking a break on that ( as you can tell I like taking breaks a lot :3) and with the projects I am working on it is very time consuming ( when I do get around it ) so for today's HP I decided that even if the Friday sketch isn't finished it would be better than showing the same HP with slight changes so be prepared as I think it looks pretty good ( except the person it looks like a bolder to many people so keep that in mind >-<).
Just gonna say this up front but my rushed picture I took of this does not do it justice but that being said it isn't perfect so lets get into the analysis! So the first thing I was work on the hills by sketching out the basic outline with a regular graphite pencil. Next I worked on the basic shape of the person with the same tools in order to see the placement and plan ahead for the tears on the cloak ( in my mind it is one of the weaker parts of this piece ). Next I actually used a new tool I bought which were soft pastels and blending sticks and used said tools for the hills in the foreground. This was done by first using the pastels in the general area that they were needed and then using the blending stick to spread the pastels mark more evenly. This was a similar process with the person in the cloak but done with charcoal with I found out the hard way that if you are not careful even with hard blending it still gives you stripes which can be seen here. It also is worth noting that it was near this step is when I began to work on the torn cloth. One could use this as a simple complete piece but like I've said it has seemed incomplete so you can lightly see what is the outline I have started for a mountain range in the background and I am planning to add a city in the middle. That is all I have for today's HP and I hope that you enjoyed it. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
HP of the day!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, as of today I am back to my regular schedule so expect more post and content than last week. Now, before I start I just want to let you know that I will not be showing the sketch I started on Friday as I found out that blending with color pencils is not easy if possible and I do have another work in progress that while ok in quality and incomplete it is something I am ok with showing and while it is bigger than most sketches I posted it is still not able to rival the one I have in store for later so do be looking forward to that. With that said let us start today's HP.
In advance I apologize for the blur of the picture. Now I am working on a project that will be digitized but as of right now I am working on the sketch for my outline to work with. I know it is a bit hard to tell what it is at this point but it is a forest scene with trees, a bridge and a river that said bridge goes over. Now I've always had trouble drawing trees and I've never even attempted a river so for this sketch I am using many guides to help me out. I did only spend a little time on this piece as getting back into the grind of things after my break did test my attention span today so while I would never complete this in one day I could have gotten farther when I back to getting into the groove of things ( and if LOZBOTW wasn't so good TvT). So with that today's post comes to a close. I hope that you enjoyed my terrible art that has slightly improved with the creation of this blog and if you have then make sure to share this with any of your friends that enjoy art and can critic it. Lastly, I know I said I would try making a comic soon but not only does my art skills need refining but I am having a bit of trouble with thinking of a story that I would want to be epic... Sure I will make comics of things that happen in my life ( or sometimes made up but that would be up to you to find out ^-^) but I also want to make an action comic. I've gone through dozens of story, character and setting ideas but every time I start thinking of something I get bored of it, it becomes too complex or is just plain cheese. The point I am getting at is I want to know from any story writers on how do you come up with a great story? I would like to be able to do such to provide people with a action packed narrative rich story but as one would it expect it takes quite the patience and skill. Anyways that was a quick beg for advice from you guys aside from the usual art critic I ask for. I know I extended this post after I said that was all and I'm sorry but when I was writing the thought popped into my head and I was hoping you guys could help me out. Remember that if you want to give me advice or just contact me in general I do have the contact me page setup with numerous ways to do such. Again, I can't wait to see ya'll guys in next post so later!

Monday, March 20, 2017
No HP for today
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and before we go any further I would like to apologize for the lack of post and the still lack of content for you guys but at the end of this post I may just post something for you guys to look at anyways. So, what is the reason I don't have anything to show for today? Well, for many of you who seen the one post I did on Friday I was inspired to do a big drawing and I did so on that day using only two colors I had available to be via pastel and charcoal but while it turned out great it felt a bit empty as there was a lot of white space. So it took my till the next day to get some advice on what to fill that white space with. Unfortunately said advice required more color which I ended up having to buy a Daler Rowney color pencil kit ( same brand as my charcoal, pastel and blending sticks) which based on my drawings so far one could note that I've never colored much without digital means which I could have done but with such a piece that I find enjoyable in itself without digital work I wanted it colored on the paper ( but I may do a digital work sometime of it ). So, since I had no way of knowing things like blending, color, and quality it pretty much took me today to figure that out ( although most of my day was filled with other stuff not just experimenting with five dollar color pencils ) and that leads us to now. I would like to be done and be able to show you guys already but I am taking my time with this one as I want it to be great ( to my skill level of course ) and using new supplies, techniques and even adding a whole new layer to my practice is kinda intense so please be patient with me. Now that in it self explains the situation very well to this point but there is one more thing holding me back... Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, I'm sorry but not only is every piece of it just so skillfully crafted with its graphics and music but it is really fun to play and the hours I've spent on it just last week and this weekend are disgusting >-<. That's all for today and I hope you are enjoying the blog. Till next post I'll see ya'll later but as promised I do have something for you of a digitization of a sketch I did and I do not think I have uploaded to this blog yet for some reason so I hope you enjoy it!
Now that I checked again my blog I just saw that I did show this but just with a bunch of photoshop stuff all around it so enjoy the clearer picture for now I guess >-<.
Now that I checked again my blog I just saw that I did show this but just with a bunch of photoshop stuff all around it so enjoy the clearer picture for now I guess >-<.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Taking a break
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. First thing first I know I haven't been posting all week and that is because last week trying to keep up with all my things was very hard being sick and all so I thought why not take a little break? Was it a little irresponsible to do so without saying anything here? Pretty much yeah but this is a place where I like showing you guys stuff so you'll get stuff, just will be a lazy and experimental thing I worked on while working on a project but it's something. Anyways before that just know I'll be continuing my break till like next week.
This picture I made in PScs6 when I was messing with the hues a bit with a planet I was working on for a wallpaper. I noticed that the colors reminded me of what I've heard are " Pop Culture Posters ", and I decided, " that's easy enough and would be a good quick thing to finish and post", so it just happened. Now on sketching I have been doing it a little less than usual but its been happening just without anything special but fret not! I saw a video awhile back that inspired me to do a simple but potentially powerful sketch that honestly am excited to start when I have the proper motivation to do my best on it ( maybe tomorrow ). Anyways that is all I have for you guys for today and possibly this week so unless I post something on twitter and or DevaintArt ( like I didn't for this post ) then just don't expect much. I am just relaxing... nothing more... definitely not spending disgusting amount of hours on Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. >-< I wouldn't do that to you guys * lying through teeth *. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
HP of the day and day two of 30 day art challenge
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG where we dream of the day where these post could be in comic form rather than words... * Sad MLG air horn music * Anyways I do not have the skill to do so so this will have to do ( yes I know I used so twice but if you read with a very slight pause between them it sounds right and I didn't know how to word it better). So let's get started with today's HP which is also part of the 30 day art challenge. Today's challenge was to draw the offspring of two improbable animals an I'll be honest, I got really lazy and just looked up what I wanted on google images and just drew which ever looked best. I looked up a bird mixed with a T-Rex and I ended up drawing this.
After yesterday's post kinda got deep I liked that this one came more light hearted. I also like how while I drew this in a rush at like 3 minutes, the head came out decent at least which I like ignoring the horrible body. It was something really fun to draw as I tried to draw this him with a smile being all happy not knowing what kind of abomination he is but he's cute to me ^-^! When thinking of what to draw I thought it'd be nice to draw something that is far off but still kinda related which brought me to birds and dinosaurs since it is a strong theory that some species of dino's evolved into lizards as you'd expect but the T-Rex is thought to have evolved into birds like other species. Anyways I drew this with my .9 mm and .7 mm pencils for all the line work and basic design. The very poor shading was me using my hard and soft charcoal pencils and it just came out horribly but that's alright. Well, that brings us to the end of today's post. I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to check in for tomorrow's challenge which is, " draw an unfit means of travel ". Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017
HP of the day and day one of 30 day art challenge!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. Before we get started I would like to let you know that I did say I would start this 30 day art challenge thing in yesterday's post so if you want the image of the challenge it is there. Secondly, my family got very sick last week and I thought I myself got sick last week which was not the case as it was just simple food poisoning but yesterday after I finished my post I did start feeling sick and it turns out that I was the last of my family to get the same sickness which destroyed me today. However, despite being weak I took the advantage of the extra time of me skipping my daily routine as I was sick to work on the artwork for today. Having more time was definitely a big help however also having a huge headache was a big handicap on my focus which is by itself pretty bad so when judging today's work I'd appreciate if could forgive me doing so bad with the extra time and references. Enough pity talk because you're not here for that no sir you are here for some cringy art and that is what you are getting!
I started off with the first challenge as I am doing them in order which the challenge for today was drawing someone experiencing flight which I think was a really powerful drawing to start of with which makes me sadder that I butchered it as such. To explain a bit for the drawing I used a powerful moment in my life when I was doing parkour ( most likely spelled wrong sorry ( btw parkour is actually not flips as I can't do those and doing flips in parkour is actually called free running)) and no it is not a picture of someone committing suicide as I know it can look like that. Anyways the reason I did this rather than someone actually flying is because I've never actually flew without technology so it'd be something hard for me to portray while parkour is a very fast paced fluent sport and when you make some of the vaults and the big leaps you may not have wings but it is a very beautiful experience that at times feels like flying. Now onto the drawing the picture itself I simply used a .7 mm lead pencil to sketch out the building on the lower left side which I added a pipe as it was something I came across a lot and I attempted drawing bricks which didn't turn out very well >-<... Then, using a quick google image search I looked up people jumping which I used to get the basic body shape idea and after I sketched that I used hand references to draw the hands and have it be like the person in the drawing is reaching out kinda like many athletes especially in something as physically taxing as parkour reach out to become faster, stronger and more accurate. I know that got a bit more philosophical then I wanted this post to be but whatever. Anyways that brings us to the end of today's post. I hope that you enjoyed it and quick heads up, tomorrow's challenge is to draw the offspring of 2 improbable animals so make sure to look forward to that. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Monday, March 6, 2017
Multi Monday HP!!!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today is Monday and is a day where I post 2, not one but 2 HP's for you guys to hate and cringe at. Before we start I'd like to let you know that I will be announcing something after all the HP's so make sure to stick around for that. Without further ado lets get started!
Before we get started I'd like to clarify that while it is one photo it is two separate drawings as I was practicing different style of buildings with different complexities and so on so one pic, two HP's. For the first one ( left ) is a simple modern two story building most likely commercial as it has no curved roof, sign and a window made to present something. I did not add any name as I felt it would be better for the imagination as it is very simple almost like a base for something that could be more complex. I tried to draw the little cloth roof above the main door way and also a terrace? patio? whatever the thing on the top is called ( in front of the second floor door) which I felt was a nice touch as in my small town many small business shops have such structures. Onto the next one I was going for a more, medieval or feudal European style of building as in the future when I am better and could maybe make a series I would like to explore the idea of a time like that for a story which has been done to death already but still sounds like fun. For this one I heavily used references as I know as a beginner is important but for the last few HP's I have not been doing as I tried to push myself. With this drawing unlike the other I had more of an idea of what I wanted it to be as I've always like the view of these old inns that would be a haven and gathering place for all sorts of people like warriors on a quest or just some farmers visiting the city to sell their crop. This one had lots more time and detail but while I feel it is a good drawing out of my bad ones it is still child's play to what I want to become so I like it but it isn't my aspiration. Now for both of these I used simple tactics of sketching out the general detail first, proceeding to sketch the smaller more refined details before shading them with some very soft charcoal pencils. Now these drawings have been really refreshing as I've been making absolute crap of lately and while these aren't fantastic they are definitely being posted to my DeviantArt which brings me to the first of the two announcements I have for today. First and foremost as many may know on this blog I have a contact me page. This page has only three ways of contacting me but one of them is my DeviantArt and it contains my username. I have gone to make this account for you to contact me and to see any work that I consider some of my most proud drawings of my progression. You can see and commentate these at any time at or just look up Phantomchild64 on DeviantArt and you'll find it. My next announcement is that I've felt a bit creatively drained and I feel that my skills aren't improving as they should because I am not drawing something that'll challenge me so a good solution is trying to challenge myself is to take a challenge.
Starting tomorrow I am going to partake in this 30 day challenge the very best I can which means that there may be some really bad drawings but that's me trying to get these done in time so sorry if they don't please you but just know I'll try my best. If you can't read the text ( as the pic may blur ) I'll write what day and challenge the drawing I post will be for. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Saturday, March 4, 2017
Welcome to DevianArt episode: 6
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and to another episode of Welcome to DeviantArt, a segment where I compare art I have attempted at making and compare it to the likes of more established artist on the popular site DeviantArt. This week has been a rough one and I haven't been able to post much and most that I did post was pretty bad so this post may not feature the greatest artwork pretty much how this blog in a whole has bad artwork but let's just get started.
For our first drawing by me it is a sad attempt at a person sitting at the desk and then raise their hand. The drawing that I am going to compare for this one is one that has already been used because I am having trouble finding one on the site at the moment.
This drawing is made by DeviantArt user by ilolamai and the main thing that I would see that I need to put more effort in my drawing is the style, the lower portions of the body and the hands. I would try to improve more but this weeks HP have to be taking lightly as most of the week I have been having trouble as the poisoning ( food poisoning, nothing serious ) has messed with me this week. Moving onto the next HP with that in mind now.
This drawing was mainly for me to try out my new charcoal set and while its shading looks like crap I still think it is the best out of this week >-<.
This drawing by by napoleoman is made using

charcoal ( or at least that is what it said ) and first thing I notice is the smooth transitions in
shading which is something I improve on later ^-^. That brings us to the end of today's post. I
hope you enjoyed it, make sure to comment any advice you have for me on art or blogging
and if you know of any good art critics make sure to tell them about this blog so that they can
judge my terrible work. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
HP of the day
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, today I have a new HP that while isn't meant to be impressive or anything it is finally a piece that I want commentary on but not for normal conditions. Lastly after a couple of hard days I am finally feeling pretty good so expect better stuff from now on! Without further ado though let's get started!
This picture for some reason flipped horizontally when it is supposed to be vertical but that doesn't matter as I was worried about the picture's shape or lines for this work. For this drawing I was again practicing with my charcoal set and I just quickly sketched a shape that I could try brushing up my shading a bit. Once the piece was sketched out I used my hard charcoal pencil on the side very sparingly in order to only use what was needed. Next I used my fingers quite a bit in order to try and get the soft shading that you see more apparent than my last attempt. That being said I am still quite new to this charcoal thing and I know that this is very basic compared to what many others are able to do and I do strive to reach similar levels. That brings us to the end of today's blog post. I hope that you enjoyed today's HP and make sure to comment on any advice you would give to someone trying to learn shading and share this blog with any art critic as they just may provide some very helpful insight. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
HP of the day!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. If you didn't see yesterday's post then you probably don't know that I wasn't feeling very well and I believed I had a virus or sickness of some sort as in my area there has been a lot of the sorts going around but it turned out I wasn't sick and only had a case of food poisoning and after some rest I feel a lot better today but still a little weak so please bear with me today as I don't have a very good HP today but I will post one and it won't be an experiment work like last time. Without further ado lets do this!
This was a little something I tried doing yesterday while feeling a bit sick so it is very bad to me and it is just something for me to put up for the day today so just like last times there is no need for any critic as it's just not something I would consider showcases how much I've progressed or even me at a basic level as I did feeling like half dead when drawing it >-<. So I hope that the recent lack of good HP's has not discouraged you as a viewer as it hasn't for me as a creator and I will try and get better content up but again with me having to deal with the food poisoning and being busy in family matters has really eaten my time and strength. I hope you guys have a wonderful day and till next post I'll see ya'll later!

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