Tuesday, March 28, 2017

HP of the Day more meme's

Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and today we are doing another similar HP to yesterday. Why? cause with me being very busy it is the only thing I have some time to work on for awhile so if I want content that's where I'm going to get it >-<. That being said it isn't too bad as this project is multiple drawing and animations so it's pretty big and I think you guys should enjoy it a bit despite the repetitiveness.
As you can see I've progressed a bit since yesterday but I still need to finish and tweak the animation but for the time I've spent I've gotten pretty far so far. I know that it is a bit blurry but once finished it shouldn't be so. I know it's a short HP today but that'll just have to do for today. Until next post I'll see ya'll later!

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