Tuesday, March 7, 2017
HP of the day and day one of 30 day art challenge!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. Before we get started I would like to let you know that I did say I would start this 30 day art challenge thing in yesterday's post so if you want the image of the challenge it is there. Secondly, my family got very sick last week and I thought I myself got sick last week which was not the case as it was just simple food poisoning but yesterday after I finished my post I did start feeling sick and it turns out that I was the last of my family to get the same sickness which destroyed me today. However, despite being weak I took the advantage of the extra time of me skipping my daily routine as I was sick to work on the artwork for today. Having more time was definitely a big help however also having a huge headache was a big handicap on my focus which is by itself pretty bad so when judging today's work I'd appreciate if could forgive me doing so bad with the extra time and references. Enough pity talk because you're not here for that no sir you are here for some cringy art and that is what you are getting!
I started off with the first challenge as I am doing them in order which the challenge for today was drawing someone experiencing flight which I think was a really powerful drawing to start of with which makes me sadder that I butchered it as such. To explain a bit for the drawing I used a powerful moment in my life when I was doing parkour ( most likely spelled wrong sorry ( btw parkour is actually not flips as I can't do those and doing flips in parkour is actually called free running)) and no it is not a picture of someone committing suicide as I know it can look like that. Anyways the reason I did this rather than someone actually flying is because I've never actually flew without technology so it'd be something hard for me to portray while parkour is a very fast paced fluent sport and when you make some of the vaults and the big leaps you may not have wings but it is a very beautiful experience that at times feels like flying. Now onto the drawing the picture itself I simply used a .7 mm lead pencil to sketch out the building on the lower left side which I added a pipe as it was something I came across a lot and I attempted drawing bricks which didn't turn out very well >-<... Then, using a quick google image search I looked up people jumping which I used to get the basic body shape idea and after I sketched that I used hand references to draw the hands and have it be like the person in the drawing is reaching out kinda like many athletes especially in something as physically taxing as parkour reach out to become faster, stronger and more accurate. I know that got a bit more philosophical then I wanted this post to be but whatever. Anyways that brings us to the end of today's post. I hope that you enjoyed it and quick heads up, tomorrow's challenge is to draw the offspring of 2 improbable animals so make sure to look forward to that. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

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