Saturday, January 27, 2018


HELLO! and welcome back to yet again another high " quality " post of LLG ( The Little Legend Guy ) that took a year to make cause I'm a lazy piece of sugar honey ICED tea! So, what do I have in store for you lovely viewers for today?! Could there be another chapter of TFTBU ( The Fates That Bind Us ) out today?! Could I have finally achieved some sort of mastery even at the slightest for the art that I have actually committed more than a year trying to improve?! COULD I FINALLY START DOING YOUTUBE VIDEOS LIKE I PROMISED?!?! Nah this is just gonna be a post for excuses for me not achieving any of those... Well let's jump right into it!

 As per usual our first topic will be the art. For this weeks ( or month because I've been lazy on posts) HP ( Horrible Picture ) of the day is gonna include several entries. The first one is on the left of this very text and is one I drew mainly to practice character design, Hair and expressions ( very light on the last one though ). It is a drawing of the main character of the book I am writing, TFTBU, who is known as Tera. It was all sketched out and inked on paper so no digital stuff was done to the image ( other than the the Instagram filters ). Some things I'd like to note is that this is the first time I've ever drawn female hair and the third time I've drawn hair recently ( and by recent I mean in the last 7 months ). Also, I got halfway done inking the sketch when I realized that Tera is actually supposed to wear glasses so I messed that up quite a bit...
  Next up is a drawing of a secondary character of the book who is slightly based of myself ( character is Mateo). The features are based around me and many people have actually said they can tell that it's me so I'm really happy that I've managed to cartoon myself slightly although I do plan to tweak the character's features a bit. As the same with the last drawing ( the one of Tera ) I forgot the iconic " Goggles " that truly marks the character as me which made me very sad but as for the things I was practicing with this drawing such as, 3/4 view, character design, expression and hair all came together quite nicely. Lastly I did sketch and ink this one much like the other and if you are wondering why I inked so much ( I don't very often unless it is an important drawing which they are but that's not the reason.) it is because there is a way to manipulate the photo with your mobile smart phone to actually make drawings easier to see if they are inked which is why the next drawing won't look so hot...
This is what a non-inked drawing looks with my phone even with some editing... It's a bit hard to see but you can see the guides I've made for the hair and eyes but have yet to finish them. I do plan on doing the whole thing same as the other drawings as this is supposed to be the other side character Ethan. It'll focus on character design, expression, hair and the 3/4 view. Definitely will be a difficult one as the other two characters could get away with messy hair but Ethan has styled hair so yeah... Well that does it for today's HP.
On to the next topic, YouTube! Those who know me or those who have watched the short film that I did for UIL ( University Interscholastic League ) called, " It's Just a Dream " link is right HERE so check that out if you want but back to the topic! I am not camera shy so YouTube should be no problem for me right? CORRECT! problem is however ( here comes the excuse ) I am missing some sound equipment... I have the mic and some audio software ( Adobe Audition CC ) but if I don't want to have to lug my laptop to every film setting and use my phone as the connection for the mic! I have to buy a headphone and mic split jack. So yeah... Might do just a voice over video or a stationary one but IDK if my attention span can handle it so we'll just have to wait and see! Also... maybe a surprise to ya'll but I am not the most proactive person so I might also get lazy and that'll definitely cause delays...
Well to not degrade myself any longer for my laziness and procrastination let's get onto the next project I haven't worked on in awhile! TFTBU or The Fates That Bind Us ( just in case you didn't get the acronym after the time I mentioned it at the beginning ) is still on hiatus because I suck at writing, drove my story into a whole, got rid of months of work and am now thinking of how to recover. That being said, I think of the story all the time, new chapter coming soon! Also I'm working on another series so that there will be something to kinda help spread my work a bit but it's going to be very similar to TFTBU.
To end today's post, I'd like to talk a little about a school thing I did this week that really was fun! So, those who know me, and some who don't, know that I am part of the AAVTC ( Arts, Audio, Video, Technology, Class ) in my highschool. This is a program that anyone at my school can take and it can lead to specialized classes for things like Film, Graphic Design and Animation. Thing is, I've taken at least the base level for all of the things offered by this program and have been highly active doing things like school news, UIL and etc. That being said I and another student who is a classmate and friend of mine took up the opportunity to join our two teachers in charge of the program to visit the middle school to promote the program. I had a great deal of fun and the kids really loved our presentation as we were the loudest and had some pretty nice videos to show off the program and what the students in it do. It was really fun especially considering that I've taken just about everything so questions about any class was a breeze for me. That's all for today so till next post ( whenever that'll be ) I'll see ya'll later!

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