Moving on, I'd like to announce something that I am very proud of. For the past couple of months, I have been part of the first students of my highschool to enter the Texas UIL competition with a live action film. It was quite the experience to work on such a project especially cause I paired up with some really motivated people. There wasn't many days were there was no arguments but it was all because everyone was taking part and had ideas which is way better than being paired with people with no ambition. It was a little disheartening that the idea I had for the film, back in August when we had yet to decide the story, was not chosen and we instead went with a completely alien concept for me ( making quite the difficulty for me to understand majority of the stuff) but it worked out in the end. If you want to watch the video I'll leave the link right HERE. Those who follow my Instagram will be able to tell that I actually play a role in the film as a side character which was really odd because I also was a camera man but I hope you do enjoy it and if - IF we make any progress in the competition ( highly unlikely ) then I'll let you guys know.
Onto another creation of mine, TFTBU is in a little bit of an awkward spot right now... It is the first story that I've formally started writing and it was going good but I messed up! Those who read the book TFTBU ( " The Fates That Bind Us " on wattpad by llgwriter ) will know that the 3 characters have already gone through their first fight and I think it went really well as I planned almost everything meticulously...ALMOST! You see, I forgot the aftermath of the fight, which because I want it to be a realistic outcome, which gave a big reveal early, traumatized 2 characters way too early and to try and make things continue to move, I had to have them recover way too easy for such trauma! In short, I need to fix it up by either editing chapters a lot or just getting rid of some. Till I can think of how to do that, I may start a new series to be a creative aid. That's a maybe for now and even if I do decide to do it, it'll take awhile to tweak the concept to be a good story as it was one I though of when I was around 8...
To finish off the blog post for today, I'd like to say that I may finally be getting to start a vlogging thing as I got the camera's, the tripods, laptop, software and almost got all the audio stuff. Obviously that is also a big maybe as making videos takes recording, syncing, editing and lots of planning which will take up some of the little time I have through the day and energy I have to upload this stuff. I mean, be lenient on me, I'm a highschooler with no job, busy days and writes long posts, chapters and takes photos for you to enjoy for free. I do do this cause I enjoy but I kinda go the extra mile quite a bit so going even more might even be a bit too much for me. Who knows, with that out of the way I think we are just about done with this post so till next time, I'll see ya'll later!
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