Hello and welcome to another post of LLG! It seems like the periods between post have been getting longer and longer and with my constant attempts to shorten them failing awfully. Have I given up on my blog? Nope! I know I've said it a hundred times but I'm sure that I'll end up saying it a hundred more that I am going to try my best to get post out as much as possible even if that ruins the scheduled. If you like the blog then just subscribe so that you can get notified of post and you'll have no problem! Might sound like a cheesy money grab from subscribers but honestly that'll never happen with the amount of page views I get. Anyways Lets get started on the stuff you came here for.

SO this page is my attempts on copying facial expressions of characters of some of my favorite web-comics. The comics such as " I Love Yoo" and " The Beehive " are both from the site Webtoons while " Four Leaf " is from Tapastic. Both are great sites and the comics are ones I'd highly recommend for others to read as they are fun to read and have good art styles. Readers of this blog know that I myself want to start a comic series but at the moment my artistic skills are not yet at the level to do that however, I have gotten the story of an idea for a comic series and been working on it on the story writing site of Wattpad. I'd love for any of my readers to go check that out in the link of the face
0-0. I've spent quite some time on it and even got a few chapters released but with the lack of time I've had it has been a real mess trying to work on it so I'd love to hear some critic on it just as I always ask for.
Now for a little insight of just where in the never ending void of band has my time gone I've been taking a lot of photos with a new camera I bought ( Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H300) of things at football games and band competition which I will post here!

Our school Marching Band during a parade through the city. This picture wasn't taken by me as I am actually in the picture as the person with the blue shirt and goggles on my neck.
The press box with audience at our first competition of the year. We got first place.
One of our band directors over looking the football game. Every Friday we stay to the very end of every game no matter how far it takes place and how long it drags on.
A kid on the field before the game started. The smoke behind him was from a fog machine and I really liked how it flowed behind him.
The press box and a band that I'm not a part of at the Yamaha Band Cup Competition. This was on the side that only other competing bands could view from. This allowed us to get a view of the back side of the show. This took place at Judson High school.
A fellow band member of mine who is a huge music nerd. He sat in the middle and away from the rest so that he could study the other bands. After this picture I asked him about his thoughts about the band he saw when I took the picture and he wasn't impressed...

A band that preformed at the Yamaha Cup. This is from the other side ( audience view ) and the band had people ride bikes through the show.
That's just some of the dozen pictures I've taken of my band travels and there are more to come as the season still got some weeks left.
Anyways, band isn't the only thing I have been taking pictures for.

As many of you probably know, I have a Deviant Art account that I post some art on and as of now I have started posting picture prints. These are photos that while aren't taken by the best photographer as I just started ( especially when I'm using a camera for filming class, working on drawing, Trumpet, school and my book.) but they are pretty good, come in a variety of shapes and forms and everyone has at least a days work of editing in Photoshop and or Lightroom in order to give the best possible quality. I am looking to get better equipment and enroll into classes so a little income would be nice. You want to support me then that is fantastic and you could get a nice photograph print ( maybe even art in the future ) for yourself. The link will be in the face right here
o3o. So make sure to at least check for anything you might like. This was a much larger post than usual but it also had a long wait for it so I hope that you enjoyed it. Till next post, I'll see y'all later!
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