Hello and welcome to another post of LLG! It's been awhile and I really tried to post every week but I have limitations and could not access the internet on my laptop for quite awhile ( the reason why will not be said however). So with that being said I guess thats the end of this post.... Oh wait, I don't need to use my laptop for sketching art! That's right, even though I've done a lot of my best work on the laptop I still sketch more on paper as I do know that if I want to progress I have to get good at the basic materials ( aka, paper, pencil, pens and etc.) so today will be another post with just sketches. If you're the kind of person who prefers my digital work ( although out of the five people who read this and with my skill level I don't know how you can prefer anything of mine....) I'm sorry, I've started somethings and while I do like to show it of in the progress of my work this one is a bit different as it's for a friend and once it's complete I'd have to ask for their permission to post it because it is a drawing of them and some other stuff. So lets get started!

First off I'd like to spotlight a book I recently bought. This book, " The Complete Book of Drawing ", by Barrington Barber is a massive monstrosity of page after page about making art! As someone trying to get into the art world and not much experience I wanted a physical guide on the study of art and many who've seen my sketch book pics will know that when I learn of new techniques I write them down in my sketch book. I do watch a lot of videos on youtube but at times it can be frustrating cause I like to have still pictures and words to read rather than video and people talking which is why I bought this book which honestly to me is kinda like a textbook for school but with art ( I know that some schools may have actual textbooks for art but I don't have that TvT). I first saw this book at the art store Michaels for $20 but I bought it used on Amazon for on $5 so it is really worth it and you should check it out.

Enough free advertisement! Lets get into the sketches! This first pic is of the first page of my new sketchbook ( left my old one at a relatives house...) So I decided to fill it up as much as possible with a flurry of sketches. I should point out though that the millions of circles to the left are my sisters multiple attempts at making a perfect ( or close to ) circle and the five on the right hand side are my attempts. As you can barely see I did make one in just 5 tries. Next on the top left side was a pose I saw online and I drew ( copied ) in order to try and practice a bit and have some fun drawing some funny poses. The eye drawing on the top middle with the words fail on top of it is my attempt at a realistic eye which looks much better on the screen than it does on the paper... The weird shapes all around the page ( mostly on the top right ) are some warmups I was practicing from my new book. Lastly in the middle of the page there is my tasty attempt on a cake...didn't go so well....

This next page is a lot less hectic than the last. The first drawing on the top left is an eye that I tried drawing.... Next below that is a drawing I tried to do from scratch of a person's face and shoulders which I tried to make as many details as possible. The last one on the top right is one I was drawing from a scene of a movie but it isn't finished so it's missing a lot of details.

This last page has only one drawing at the moment but it is an important one as it is a practice of shading 3-D objects again from the book. Anyways thats all for the sketches for today and until next post I'll see ya'll later!
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