Hello and welcome to another post of LLG! Now I know that this blog is usually about art and it will stay that way but of all the drawings I made this week have all be terrible so I'm just going to go over some animation concept. So without further ado lets get started with Stretch and squash.

Stretch and squash is a simple animation concept shown in this short ball animation I made. Also as a side note, I'd like to make it obvious that for the first few frames appear faster as I used fewer frames and used
Stretch which we'll talk about now. Stretch in animation is when you make an object thinner and longer than it usually is which gives the illusion of acceleration when used in fewer frames. Now if stretch is used to express acceleration than
Squash is used to express deceleration. Squash can be seen on one frame where the ball makes the first contact with the ground. This can make the impact very strong and will make any animation way better when used properly. Now for the last frames, I added just one frame of stretch and this is due to the fact that the acceleration was much lower than before and I made sure to use a lot more frames closer to each other as I wanted to make it appear as all the initial momentum was gone as the ball begins to slow down. Now there are much more ways this concept can be used in other situations than just a ball but this is an easy way to introduce the concept and not to mention that my skills in art at the moment barely allow me to draw much and trying to animate that in such a way would just turn out horrible but I am working on it. That's all for today and till next post I'll see ya'll later!
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