So first thing first I'd like to bring attention to a very hard debate I have been having within myself for quite awhile ( p.s. If you do not like the topic of video games I suggest that you skip the next couple of paragraphs.). So, recently I got myself a brand new Nintendo Switch console which the process of getting it is a story of its own ( as many know how infamous they are to be sold out everywhere...). So first I had to decide if I wanted the console in the first place. As a major fan of Nintendo and with the announcement/release of games such as Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey made me want to get the system but, the mixed reviews and of all things the pressure of my parents who not only hate me spending money on nonnecessities and the mention of video games made me think about whether or not I should try to get the system. Eventually ( after the copy of Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild WiiU I was borrowing was given back ) I decided that I was going to try and get it eventually!
Next, I encountered the challenge of everyone else. Finding a system for sale at the lowest price possible which surprisingly was at retail stores ( at $300) than on sites like Amazon ( up to $500). I checked every time I went to a store and met the same response, " Sorry sir. We got a shipment this morning but we are sold out...". Again and again, I tried to the same result until one fateful day at the Target near my house. " We sold out already but, try calling our site in the morning we can let you know if we have any and you can drop by. ". This was just what I needed and every morning I called to check until I got the response I needed. " yes, we do got some.". That day I bought a Switch which was about 2 weeks from now.
Sadly, my true debate had just arisen. With little money left ( just went on a trip ) and looking to invest into stock for college ( and to make my parents have trust in me that I'm a responsible young adult) but there was just one problem. I have one of the most advanced gaming systems in the world which potential far exceeds any gaming device ever made! but no games on it... So, of course, I going to get a game but the question is since I am going to be saving money for quite awhile ( meaning other than this last purchase I will not be able to buy anything until I invest) what is a game I can get that'll last awhile for me to get? This will be today's question of the day ( haven't done that in awhile..) and while I've mostly made up my mind on what to get ( Splatoon 2) your responses may change my mind. Anyways at first I thought of getting the Retro bundle known as Shovel Knight Treasuer Trove, which includes all the DLC of the two side games ( SK Specter of Torment and Plague Knights story ( forgot the name )) and the main game with multiplayer options. I was going to go with this but then * sighs * then Nintendo had to make things difficult and release a lot of cool and exciting news and a demo for Splatoon 2... SO, after the past couple of days, I have been asking friend opinions, watching trailers ( no gameplay though or very little ) trying to figure out what to get. The deciding factor came when I thought about how easy it can to get into a session with shooting games and with the new Salmon Run and story mode Splatoon 2 won over so when it comes out I am going to buy it.
So for all of those who have been skipping the past couple of paragraphs because you're here for art or you just hate games you are in luck! This is the point where I will post some art and talk about it.

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