Sunday, September 10, 2017

It's been awhile...

Hello and welcome to another post of LLG! It has been way too long but the first few weeks of school have been rough and with all the collage courses, band and clubs I have had my days jammed packed and it leaves me with just about no energy or motivation to do anything after it all finishes for the day 0_0. Thankfully, in all this chaos and long days I have had one thing that hasn't been stopped by all of this. What I have been able to do is drawing which means that for awhile even if I break my hands I will have more material for you ;3. That being said I want to only post one drawing at a time in order to be able to have continuous stuff for you! So let's get started.
So this is one of the best anatomy based sketches I've done in my long absence and while it has come out pretty good it was only by luck as most sketches after aren't as great... But, that is not all bad news. The fact that my skill was strong enough to be able to draw ok like this even with luck is a great step forward. This was done with a reference from a site called Art Models which features " safe for work " pics that you can use for drawings. The pic I used was of a guy running but as you can didn't become that but that doesn't mean that its a terrible sketch!
While my skills have so much more to go I have improved quite a bit. It's a bit crazy to think that ever since a little more than a year ago when I decided that I would become an artist I have not gone a day where I don't draw at all. I know I haven't posted everyday and I don't even do big sketches every day but, whenever I'm in the classroom, eating lunch or even just doing home work I always do some doodles on the side drawing anything I see or think of and maybe I'll post some pics of examples of my homework doodles ( sounds like a good segment). Who knows but yeah, it's amazing to think how much time and effort I've put in this dream that as a kid I hated but now I love it and it is slowly becoming a reality.
Lastly, before I end today's post I want to talk about the book I'm writing as that is another thing that has been postponed from all of my busyness so I am still working on it ( also planning to tone it down in the seriousness at the beginning as it feels wrong at the beginning ). Also, once my drawing gets better I can begin drawing a few pics of scenes so it can be more of a light novel kind of thing cause this is a series I've thought of as a comic so adding the drawings would be really cool but that will take months maybe for my skill to get better. That's all for today and I'm really sorry about the delay but I do hope you enjoyed today's post and hope that the next one ( hopefully this coming week ) will be a good one to! Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

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