Monday, May 1, 2017


Hello and welcome back to another HP post!!! Sorry about the long delays but with the study year ending I've been showered in reviews and projects that have been killing all of my time and energy that I normally use to post. That being said I am very sorry for all the delays and that since the year is still going I may have even more but, for today I have found the time and energy to post so I'll be showing of some recent digital works I have done ^-^! Let's do this!

This first one is one I did for some extra credit and is based around the Shakespeare play of Caesar. This is the most recent one I have worked on and was made with a new tool I have bought known as the Wacom's Intuos Draw small tablet which has been amazing!
This next one is an animation I worked on for a video portfolio I am going to be working on quite soon and was very fun in making ^-^.
This is the last one for today but it is an animation I had worked on for Earth day and would've posted earlier but I had no time to do so.... Well that concludes today's HP and I don't know when I may post the next one but I just want to thank everyone for being patient with the delays. I am trying my best ti post as soon as possible. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!

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