Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Bit of a diffrent post

Hello and welcome to another post of LLG. Today I thought I might do a bit of a different post as some people have told me that as a writer of such a blog I should include things that I think and do which in way I do share with my drawings and today's post will kinda be based on a previous drawing but it'll be more focused on somethings I've been thinking about and doing. One of the first things I'd like to talk about is old time cartoons, their style, what are my feelings about them and why that is and why it isn't. So to start things off, for anyone who's been with this blog for awhile may remember a pair of drawings I did awhile back shown below.
Anyone could tell this is heavily  based of old cartoons as the joints are made to be more lose and curved rather than structured and rigid and the eyes have the slight touch to them that isn't too detailed but is a mark of the time and lastly the gloves being a big part for old time animators being a favorite of theirs. So yeah, I do like the style of old time cartoons but the reason I wanted to talk about this is because of the why. Well one big reason is I love the looseness and unrealistic characteristic often seen in such cartoons.
Another big reason is because an amazing fighting game I love known as SkullGirls by Reverge Labs.
Many who see this game might dismiss it as a very fan service game ( they wouldn't be too wrong about that though...) but the animation is great and two of my favorite characters are kinda appropriate ( the two characters are Beowulf and Peacock ). Anyways ( getting a bit sidetracked ) the art style is cartoonish and the character Peacock is entirely based off old cartoons ( also the music ( mostly jazz ) works so well with the artistic backgrounds). Point is, while every character takes inspirations from different sources it is more active with the old cartoon style. Point is, I like old time cartoon style and a great game with amazing art and music is one of the many reasons for that being the case. SO! what is the reason that some people might think I like old time cartoons and just isn't the case? Bendy and the Ink Machine. Not a terrible game but in my opinion it is way overrated and it is everywhere. Next story is about how my Mom likes to write poems and wants to share them. Now it is a well known fact to my family that I write a blog and post my own content on it to share so my Mom had asked me if I could make her a blog. This is, she wants to be able to customize it as much as possible and I know for a fact that'd she'd have trouble with the Blogger interface that I use for this very own blog. So, I've decided to make her blog site for her using Notepad++, html and css and it made me think. Why do I use Blogger instead of making my own site? Why limit myself to a site made to those who can't code and design when I could show my skills, practice and set myself apart?! Because I'm lazy ;3 and since I can't pay myself and I'm not my Mom who I'd gladly pick up a new language of coding to make her the best site ever! So, once I finish that project I'll post the link to it so you guys can meet my marvelous Mom and see how bad I can mess up code I've learned in a single day..... Look forward to that.... Lastly some friendly advice. There's a few days E3 2017, there's some good stuff :3. Till next time I'll see ya'll in the next post!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

First Summer Post

Hello and welcome to another LLG post! Now to be honest its been awhile since my last post and that has been for a number of reasons such as finals ( for school), part time job and helping out family, but no matter how busy things get I'll always have a little time to do a sketch here and there and post it here. I've shown a lot of my digital work quite a bit so today is gonna be all about my sketches on paper so without further ado lets get started!
This first page ( sorry about weird orientation but that is just how it came out when I uploaded it ) and here I was focusing on full body anatomy, eyes and buildings in one point perspective with line shading. Fairly simple and random page ( like most of these pages will be so be prepared)   
This next one was more focused on positioning of features such as the face and body. I also did things like emotion, a poem ( for some reason...) and tried to make a face out of a butt....
This next one was focused on how to make things more fluent with simple task such as talking, looking and sitting. I tried drawing a rather simple un-detailed hand and a little Android robot as I like the Android brand.
This next page is one of the only pages dedicated to the study of just one technique known as The Loomis Method which is a way to divide the face in a more realistic face. on the top of this page I wanted to make a drawing of a person preparing to run ( without reference ) but ended up getting a walk... the next drawing is one I saw on Pintrest and it being a really cool reference I wanted to try and draw it.

This is the last page I've done and for this one each drawing is for it's on thing. The first very strange one at the top was meant to be my second attempt at drawing someone going for a dash but ended up nothing like I had hoped... The next in the middle was me using the Loomis Method I spoke of earlier to make a quick sketch as someone challenged me to see how far I've come since I first started sketching seriously ( or at least as serious I could be...) and it in my eyes is really good considering it used no reference and the base of it and basic planning was done in mere minutes which may not sound special to any experienced artist but with me it is a huge step as some of my best drawings before have taken days to complete. Lastly the bottom drawing was me trying to use the eyes in a simple way but still be able to try and convey a feeling, I'll leave you to decide what that feeling it but for now that is all I have for you today. Thank you for your patience as I have been struggling to get post out but I'll do my very best so that you may get to enjoy my journey to try and become a better artist :3. Till next post I'll see ya'll later!