Friday, April 28, 2017
Busy as can be
I know I said I would post couple weeks ago but things have really been... hard? busy? I don't know what exactly would be the right term but just know that when I do have the time to start posting again that due to the extra time I've had and also the new stuff ( got a drawing tablet ^-^) there will be no shortage of content for you. Till I can post I'll see ya'll later!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Pulling through!!!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG and today sadly I have no HP for you and that is because the project that I posted yesterday did take a lot of time and effort as it was not just four drawings but four animations but the reason for no HP is not because of me taking a break ( as many would be right to think giving my history on this blog >-<) but because I put so much into the project that I was not happy having the last part with the ramen cup. That being said now that I have turned in the project and need not worry about the deadline I am going to try and work only on that last drawing to try and make it lots better. Now when said drawing is done I will not post it on this website but rather on my Deviant Art at,
which it will be available as a non animated higher quality Print. Some of you may be asking, " what
a print?", to which I will tell you what it is. A Print is a picture that is drawn or captured ( like with
a camera not captured in the Poke'mon sense) that a person can buy on my Deviant Art in order to
have it. There are many reasons why I am doing it and the first and foremost is that the parts that will
be for sale are the ones I feel are really nice and I think that you guys would love it to! ( or maybe
just pity me and what to make me feel better which I'll take >-<) The next reason is because I have
been saving up for the cheapest drawing tablet on the market so that I don't have to use the mouse
anymore and having something I made and having your support to try and reach that goal would
be really nice :3. Plus I have no job since I am busy with things like my studies so having a way to
make cash be really nice and while I've talked about things like Patreon ( forgive misspelling >-<)
I don't think that my content at this point nor the quality of it is worth a monthly donation system.
That being said, I would like to someday make a comic series like I've talked many times on this
blog about doing but with so little time, lack of great story ideas and lack of art skills I want to give
myself more time to work, improve and make sure that whatever I give in a story to you guys is
going to be the best gosh darn thing I can give you :3 ( a lot unlike these HP's or blog post >-<). Now
this post is just me rambling on so be a bit patient as there might be more... So let's see... AH YES!!!
some may be confused about the title of this post but if you visit my Deviant Art that is the quote I
put as my actual favorite quote ( " The strong don't exist to rule the weak but to protect them." made
by someone who knows?) didn't fit... so yeah. I guess that is all for today, I hope that more people
see this post then people did yesterday's one cause it was a really low view count >-<. Make sure to
show your friends so you can all joke about how bad I am at art cause it is the bases of this blog. Till
next time I'll see ya'll next post.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Meme complete!
Hello and welcome to another post of LLG, a blog that mainly follows me and my quest to become a better artist! Now I know I didn't post Friday or Monday both of which are some of my biggest posts but worry not as for today I don't have one, two or even three HP's for you but a total of FOUR!!! Or more like three and a half as the last one I got very lazy on >-< but I have finished a big project I've worked on for quite while and while animated I am still working out on how I will be able to show it on this blog so wait a bit longer for that. So let's jump in!
This project was a fun one that had me think and draw in creative ways to kinda show what many people think of certain things so let's pick at it piece by piece.
This first one is missing a part at the top with the words copy so keep that in mind >-<. This was the one that took the most time as I messed around with the lighting in order to look like a flickering screen in the animation and I also wanted it to really feel like what I think my parents think I do as they can see me as antisocial ( even though I am slightly more extrovert on test and extremely extrovert in life) and they think I'm always locked up in a dark corner copying other peoples work. That last part is something I can't blame them for though because as you know most of my work is crap and when I make something that exceeds that it even makes me feel like I copied even if it isn't as good as others but that's just me making this longer than it should be >-<.
This next one took some time but wasn't too hard as my guidelines ( basically most digital work I do is first sketched out and I call that my guidelines) made it easy to get the bulk of it and the animation was just the 3 red lines above my head appearing. This is yet again another one I can not blame them for thinking ( me playing games while working ) because while I work hard sometimes at hours at a time I do find myself taking breaks ( much like how I do with these post >-<) when I feel worn out or just need ideas.
Finally we get to what I feel I do most of the time as I do try my best to make enjoyable art. If this looks familiar that is because it is based of the " Traveler " sketch I did and While I think the flag looks great in this piece I think the textures on the hills can be a bit overwhelming. Is it a mountain scene or a junkyard? honestly you think it to be whatever you want because I have no idea what it is so have fun with that >-<. Last thing on this one, while I could have spent the time to animate the flag I didn't and just made the words fade in.
For this last one I could not have gotten lazier like this is rock bottom. I had almost no more time to turn in the project that I just quickly drew a cylinder ( can't wait to get a drawing tablet as I'm sick of the mouse >-<) but yeah.... That's all for today and see ya'll next post!

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